A faith-based program at the Fayette County Detention Center using pastoral experience, Correctional psychology, Wisdom traditions including AA, group dynamics and volunteers. The project coordinator has 17 years experience in correctional consulting and 40 years experience in pastoral counseling (overlapping :-)

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Views of the Chaplain, Rev. Gerard Howell, at the Detention Center

For an introduction to a book underway describing the Fierce Landscape Spiritual Growth Program initiated here in 2003:

Paschal Baute, pastor, psychologist, professor, author and visionary has for a lifetime been a teacher, encourager, and a builder of community. Not only has he used his developed skills within the larger educational and working community but has freely invested himself with the persons who populate our jails and prisons. I find in this workbook many tools that are understandable and usable for the average person but which are built on a thorough knowledge of psychology and theology. These materials have been used by Baute and the volunteers in our interfaith approach to spirituality and transformation by use of group dynamics at Fayette County Detention Center.

Volunteers find it a helpful introduction to the subject matters that are absolutely necessary for the individuals and the group to journey toward transformation. The Spiritual Growth program has been one of the more dynamic programs within the Jail. Good seeds are being planted and that the participants are having an inter-faith, inter-ethnic group experience unlike what most men will ever make an effort to create. Led by a faithful core of volunteers under Baute’s leadership it has become for me one of the more meaningful events in which I share each week. Its power is the predictable development of a synergetic healing energy when the group begins to do its work throughout the twenty-four hours a day they share with each other in the subday room. This has become the core of our effort to help the re-entry of the participants into their new world.


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