A faith-based program at the Fayette County Detention Center using pastoral experience, Correctional psychology, Wisdom traditions including AA, group dynamics and volunteers. The project coordinator has 17 years experience in correctional consulting and 40 years experience in pastoral counseling (overlapping :-)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

NEXT MEETING of SG volunteers, jail ministry, March 3, Paschal's place

TO: Lymans, Turner and Barbara, Joanna Cox, Guido Caspani, Gerard Howell, Nick Z, Steve Stone, Mike Kavanaugh, Mary Kane, Eva Hicks, Moe Mercier, and (? newbies and perhaps an invited guests-MS)

We are scheduling our quarterly update of our Detention Center Spiritual Growth ministry work for the first Saturday in March, Saturday, March 3. potluck, 10:30 to 2, but coffee and donuts at 10. RSVP requested.

Place: Paschal's conference room, Winchester Road.

Moe Mercier will give an overview of the Transition program that has been developed with inmate feedback over the last 3 mos. And we will have a chance to catch up with each other. Maybe a new volunteer or two might be present. Nick and Steve will hopefully be with us also.

We aim to publish our book on our work and have copies available for review. It looks as if it will as of now be about 140 pp. including testimonials. We intend to use this for a grant application to secure money to advertize and train mentors for the transition phase work.

Thank you for this work in helping the least of our brothers and sisters.
Be well. Take small steps in icy weather.


"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human
history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to
improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends
forth a tiny ripple of hope, and ...those ripples build a current which
can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
Robert F. Kennedy, June 6, 1967, Cape Town


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