A faith-based program at the Fayette County Detention Center using pastoral experience, Correctional psychology, Wisdom traditions including AA, group dynamics and volunteers. The project coordinator has 17 years experience in correctional consulting and 40 years experience in pastoral counseling (overlapping :-)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Volunteers Meeting at Paschals Sept 8, Sat

Ann (& Mike) Barbara, Eva, Gerard, Guido, Joanna, Mary, Mo, Nick, Steve, Turner,and. . .
(a few new volunteer guests - Mo, please cc them, Donnie and ? )

It is time once more for our quarterly meeting.

Please mark your calendars for our quartenly Detention Center volunteers, Spiritual Growth program meeting, to be held on Saturday, September 8 (after Labor Day weekend), at Paschal's conference room, Winchester Road, 10:30 to 2:00, potluck. Libations provided. (glass of wine at end to celebrate a total of five years of programming).

Agenda to be announced by Mo Mercier.
will include intros to new volunteers
(Do you have a friend you wish to invite as an orientation, please let me know. email is sufficient)

BTW, After three months of work, 24 truckloads of dirt, sand and mulch, and Turner Lyman's genius in design and execution, we are proud that you might be an early visitor to our new Labyrinth finally complete. You may wish to come early or stay afterwards to walk it (or simply a look-see at our luncheon break) You are also invited to bring a stone, should you choose, to add to the SGN of Ky cair, as a "spiritual friend" of the group that initially inspired and began our program.
More information can be found at Paschal's blog. (click here)


Namely these brief subjects:
Labyrinth: A Walking Meditation" (intro)
"Walking the Labyrinth: some tips"
"Symbolism of this labyrinth"
"Information, construction, etc...
"The Cairn"
(ask me for a picture if you want one)
A public dedication is planned later this fall.

See you soon, and September, one of my favorite months will be upon us.
Come early c. 10 for coffee and donuts


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